If you flash Custom ROMs as often as we do, chances are you’re tired of powering off your device and then pressing a whole variety of hardware keys simply to be able to boot into the bootloader, recovery or sideload on your device. ADB can let you do any of these with simple commands. The adb command facilitates a variety of device actions, such as installing and debugging apps, and it provides access to a Unix shell that you can use to run a variety of commands on a device. Note: if you don’t know what these words mean, these commands are not for you feel free to skip ahead or read on anyway. Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with a device.

Reboot Device Into Bootloader, Recovery or Sideload In case you mess up the values while you tinker, simply revert back to this value and your device will be good as before.ĭPI Values, Left to Right: 300, 180 (default) 8. Android Debug Bridge (ADB) lets you connect your development workstation directly to your Android device so you can install packages and evaluate your. This command will return the current screen density (or DPI) value of your device. Don’t be disheartened though, a small amount of playing around with the values is all you need to figure out the best fit. It is also a good idea to find out what your current DPI setting is and this can be achieved with the following command: Android WIFI ADB is a plugin available in Android Studio that helps you to connect your system to devices over a Wi-Fi network.

Different screen sizes and resolutions mean that no particular value of DPI will fit for every device. ADB Idea This plugin for both Intellij IDEA and Android Studio adds a number of useful shortcuts to various ADB tool commands directly in your IDE.